2000: Does Buffett mind paying taxes?
WARREN BUFFETT: Although, I must say that the one thing I really find reprehensible is the people that make a lot of money in this country and then leave to, you know, to get another tax jurisdiction or something like this. I really — I don’t —
But I’m a little crazy. I don’t mind paying taxes. (Applause)
WARREN BUFFETT: Let’s go to 7.
There are plenty of reasons, I think, perfectly valid reasons — I mean, people may want to live someplace else — but the ones who carefully arrange it so that they actually live here as much as they can.
I think one of them wanted to be appointed — he wanted to go to some very small entity, where there was no tax. And then he wanted to be appointed an ambassador to the United States, so that he could enjoy living here but enjoy the taxes of something else.
And, you know, that is not my role model. Yup.