1997: Is Buffett bothered that religious groups are criticizing Disney?
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Dave Youberg (PH) from Sac City, Iowa.
I haven’t heard you on the moral and ethical considerations of stocks like ABC and Disney. They are now getting more and more criticism from mainstream religious groups in this country, main — their reliance on sex and violence and their cronyism — homosexuality — and —
VOICE: Did they hear it? I couldn’t hear it.
(Scattered applause)
WARREN BUFFETT: I didn’t — we didn’t cut anybody off there.
The — what I would — I would say, you know, I’m delighted to have my grandchildren exposed to the full range of Disney product. (Applause)
You know, I’d love to take them to Disneyland or Disney World or take them to Disney movies or Disney videos. You know, I think the Disney Company is being run in an absolutely first-rate way. And I have no problem whatsoever with gays being employed or receiving benefits or anything of the sort. (Applause)