1994: Will Berkshire trade commodities like Hillary Clinton?
AUDIENCE MEMBER: The second question has to do with, could the board consider looking into a commodity broker, or a lawyer, or both, that could take action similar to Hillary Clinton’s?
I think, you know, making your net worth go up by a factor of five overnight is more than enticing. Some of us might even want to wait for ten months to get a 100-to-1 return on the money.
WARREN BUFFETT: Well, I want to say — I want to say to you, when I saw that 530 percent in one day, it — Charlie has never done that for us.
I mean — (laughter) — it really caused me to reassess succession plans at Berkshire. (Laughter)
And Hillary may be free in a few years. (Laughter and applause)
I hope you’re applauding over her coming to Berkshire, not — but I’ll leave that up — (Laughter)
OK, that was their second question. (Laughs)
AUDIENCE MEMBER: That was my second question.
Of course, in my experience, it’s been that most of us have thought through this situation and I guess it’s pretty speculative, but I found out that the rules and laws that are made for trading are interpreted rather than enforced. And I think that applied to this particular case, so let’s go on to the third question. (Laughter)
WARREN BUFFETT: Alright. They’re getting easier. (Laughter)